17 November 2010

The very first post!

My name is Kadri. K is for kind, A is for adventurous, D is for determined, R is for rapid and I is for intelligent :) My name is very common in Estonia. Some interesting facts about my name - 1) In Turkey, Kadri is a very common name for men :D 2) In Greek name Kadri means pure 3) We have Kadripäev (Kadri´s day) in Estonia.

I study in Haapsalu College on two specialities - primary school teacher/English teacher and health manager :) I believe that these two specialities complete each other perfectly!

I like numbers, so some facts in numbers about me:

156 cm is my height!

23.04 is my birthday! Jeei! (Anyone who has the same day?!) :)

23 years I´ve been living in this world!

1 is the number of how many sisters I have :) Her name is Egle!

0 is the number of how many brothers I have :)

My favourite animals are sheep (I actually collect any kind of stuff with sheep on it):)

I believe that one´s favourite aphorisms tell very much about him/her, so here are some that I believe in:

* Everything you do, comes back to you!

* Everything you do, do it differently!

* Be careful what you wish for, ´cause you just might get it!

* After a hurricane comes a rainbow!

So long, my dear readers! :) 

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