18 November 2010

Presentation of my town!

As in the first post I wrote that I study in Haapsalu then originally I come from absolutely different part of Estonia - Tammiku alevik. As Tammiku is a very small place, approximately 360 inhabitants, I will tell you about the nearest biggest city - Jõhvi. From Haapsalu to Jõhvi - 265 km.

You can say about person who comes from Jõhvi that he/she is jõhvikas, and jõhvikas means in Estonian cranberry.

The most interesting places in Jõhvi are two churches. One church is Estonian and was built in 13-14 century! The other church is the Orthodox one, because we have many Russians in Jõhvi.

What comes to the modern art, then the good example is Jõhvi´s Concert Hall.

Jõhvi´s coat of arms and flag looks like this:

What I also like about Jõhvi, is that there are many cute cafes, but let´s face it, not so many as in my college town - Haapsalu :)

Oki-doki, that´s enough about my town, now I am looking forward to read about yours!! :)

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