27 March 2011



In this report we will compare three videos that teacher students in Estonia and Norway have made. We will look closely at educational dimensions, technical dimensions and dimensions concerning “English as a second language” of the videos called “Healthy waffles”, “Computer parts” and “Cooking lesson”. We are going to compare the positive and the negative aspects of these three videos. At the end we are going to compare them with each other to find, which one is the best and why it is so.

Educational dimensions of the videos

The educational goals of these videos are to teach new topics and vocabulary, to develop cooking skills and to introduce computer parts through videos. The educational aims were approached by showing the activities and vocabulary to pupils, also by speaking. Videos are built up so that pupils have passive role because they are just watching the moving picture.

The videos are suitable in all three learning phases - evocation, learning and reflection. In evocation phase videos can be used to get the attention of the pupils and to warm-up the lesson. Most of all videos are suitable in learning phase because videos contain new topic. In reflection phase videos can be used as a repetition of a learnt topic.

Favourite educational video was “Cooking lesson” because it was concrete, not long and simple for pupils to watch. “Cooking lesson” contained phonetic symbols under new vocabulary which help pupils to pronounce words.

Technical dimensions of the videos

The technical quality of the videos is rather jumpy. The issues emerge in the quality of the sound. It is problematic to perform home-made videos with a decent quality and the ones attained it, deserve to be praised. The video named “Computer Parts” had a terrible sound with many words hardly understandable. Watching a learning video, it is important to have as few distractions as necessary. A hand behind the puppet, a speech of a puppet, which is not synchronized or television running as a background are avoidable pitfalls. The “Cooking Lesson” had the best quality of all the videos.

Dimensions concerning “English as a second language”

The three videos were very different in the way of exposing English as a second Language. 

The video “Computer Learning” is a bit funny - unfortunately the speaking of the movie is almost impossible to hear - if you manage to hear all the speak you will recognize that you actually have to know a lot of the language before you get the meaning.

The video “Cooking Lesson” is very useful in the teaching of English - but you have to have the instruction of making pancakes in front of you, because otherwise you don´t know how much of each ingredients you need to put in the dough.

The video “Healthy Waffles” starts with a funny an inspiring intro but considering the misuse of English it is needed to point out, that the video did include some grammatical mistakes and incorrect pronunciation.

All three movies are useful in the teaching “English as a second Language” but in different levels.


In conclusion, video “Cooking Lesson” is the best because it is not too long and the speaking is easy to understand. The video also show us how to prepare a pancake dough in a more concrete and clearer way than in “Healthy Waffles”. They speak quite slowly and it is easy to understand what they are saying. It is also great that they use transcription.

In “Healthy Waffles” the speaking is sometimes too fast and hard to hear. They also film the mixing a bit too long and the video tends to be a bit boring. The context of the video is great, but it does not help when the sound and the pronunciation is poor. It will be hard for the pupils to understand everything they say.

The video “Computer Parts” was an informative one but the sound was a bit poor, and there was some background noise that disturbed.

Written by Arne Hustad, Kadri Küttis, Kim Degn, Maarja Kurgpõld, Therese Aas

18 January 2011

Educational video

Here it is - Mariliis´ and mine educational video! It´s about hobbies. We will show you that hobbies can be fun! Enjoy! :)

And here is the worksheet based on the video!

16 January 2011

Article about interactive whiteboards



This article tells about interactive whiteboards and different uses of these. Years ago teachers had only a textbook and a workbook to teach an ideal lesson. Nowadays they have many other facilities to give a good lesson. The newest technology is to use an interactive whiteboard in the classroom. Reardon (2002) says that teachers have been using whiteboards in their classrooms since 1990s, but in Estonia it is not so common.

What is an interactive whiteboard?

According to Wikipedia an interactive whiteboard is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector shows the computer´s desktop onto the board´s surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger or other device. The board is usually hanging on the wall.

Hintz (2007) say that an interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive display panel which, when working with a computer and projector, can function as: an ordinary whiteboard, a projector screen, a touch-sensitive computer screen, or an electronic copy board.

The most widely used interactive whiteboard brand names are SMART Board, ActivBoard, eBeam, Mimio and Webster (Interactive..., 2010).

The use of interactive whiteboards

According to SMART Technologies, some uses for interactive whiteboards include:

o       manipulating images and text;
o       using digital ink to make notes;
o       saving notes for later review;
o       viewing websites as a group;
o       demonstrating or using software at the front of a room without being tied to a computer;
o       creating digital lesson activities with templates, images, and multimedia;
o       writing notes over educational video clips;
o       using presentation tools that are included with the whiteboard software to enhance learning materials;
o       showcasing student presentations (Koenraad, 2008).

According to Reardon (2002) the effective ways interactive whiteboards are being used in classrooms are:

o       record homework assignments - when students are absent from school, teachers print out the information stored in their whiteboard. Parents can monitor what their children are being taught each day;
o       prerecord a daily lesson - this is perfect for teachers who know in advance when they will be absent from school. Substitute teachers can then play the video if the whiteboard is connected to a computer.

Whiteboards can also be used to teach continents, oceans, countries, states and capitals with the use of built -in maps; teach whole group computer or keyboarding skills; for digital storytelling; brainstorming; to create a project calendar; use a highlighter tool to highlight nouns, verbs, adjectives and end each day by having students write one thing that they have learned (Interactive..., 2010).

With the use of  whiteboards, teachers can figure out many ways to capture students´ attention and imagination (Koenraad, 2008).

There are lots of videos on the Internet that tell about interactive whiteboards and also teach us how to use it correctly.

Whiteboards have many different benefits for the teacher. Lessons which include interactive whiteboards are more active and students pay more attention. Maybe someday there are no real teachers, but all the teaching can be done just by using a whiteboard, who knows.

I hope that soon there will be interactive whiteboards in every classroom in Estonia because teachers  then have much more possibilities to make their lessons interesting.


Hintz, R. (2007). Interactive whiteboards and clickers in the Classroom. Ohio Media Spectrum.

Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom. (sine anno). http://rmtc.fsdb.k12.fl.us/tutorials/whiteboards.html [16.01.2011]

Koenraad, T. (2008). Interactive Whiteboards in Educational Practice: the research literature reviewed. http://www.scribd.com/doc/21254905/Interactive-Whiteboards-in-educational-practice  [16.01.2011].

Reardon, T. (2002). Interactive Whiteboards In School: Effective Uses. Media & Methods. EBSCOhost [15.01.2011]

18 November 2010

My experience in using ICT and collaboration technologies!

I surely don´t know all the different kinds of ICT and collaboration technologies but I try to write about those which I remember.

The most basic for me are MSN, facebook.com, blogger.com, youtube.com, SKYPE, ICQ, odnoklassniki.ru and I have also accounts there (except orkut.com).

I know that there are myspace.com, twitter.com, orkut.com, rate.ee ....

 I expect from this course to get to know some other technologies and how to use them! In my future life as a teacher I sure need to know programs which do my life easier!

Presentation of my town!

As in the first post I wrote that I study in Haapsalu then originally I come from absolutely different part of Estonia - Tammiku alevik. As Tammiku is a very small place, approximately 360 inhabitants, I will tell you about the nearest biggest city - Jõhvi. From Haapsalu to Jõhvi - 265 km.

You can say about person who comes from Jõhvi that he/she is jõhvikas, and jõhvikas means in Estonian cranberry.

The most interesting places in Jõhvi are two churches. One church is Estonian and was built in 13-14 century! The other church is the Orthodox one, because we have many Russians in Jõhvi.

What comes to the modern art, then the good example is Jõhvi´s Concert Hall.

Jõhvi´s coat of arms and flag looks like this:

What I also like about Jõhvi, is that there are many cute cafes, but let´s face it, not so many as in my college town - Haapsalu :)

Oki-doki, that´s enough about my town, now I am looking forward to read about yours!! :)

17 November 2010

The very first post!

My name is Kadri. K is for kind, A is for adventurous, D is for determined, R is for rapid and I is for intelligent :) My name is very common in Estonia. Some interesting facts about my name - 1) In Turkey, Kadri is a very common name for men :D 2) In Greek name Kadri means pure 3) We have Kadripäev (Kadri´s day) in Estonia.

I study in Haapsalu College on two specialities - primary school teacher/English teacher and health manager :) I believe that these two specialities complete each other perfectly!

I like numbers, so some facts in numbers about me:

156 cm is my height!

23.04 is my birthday! Jeei! (Anyone who has the same day?!) :)

23 years I´ve been living in this world!

1 is the number of how many sisters I have :) Her name is Egle!

0 is the number of how many brothers I have :)

My favourite animals are sheep (I actually collect any kind of stuff with sheep on it):)

I believe that one´s favourite aphorisms tell very much about him/her, so here are some that I believe in:

* Everything you do, comes back to you!

* Everything you do, do it differently!

* Be careful what you wish for, ´cause you just might get it!

* After a hurricane comes a rainbow!

So long, my dear readers! :)